Inspired by culture and derived from nature, and thanks to a collaboration of several Danish design experts, St. Leo creates premium, eco-friendly finishes that elevate the experience of architectural spaces. Established in Denmark in 2019, St. Leo draws upon Scandinavian heritage and craftsmanship to produce contemporary paint and plaster from the finest natural minerals with a focus on sustainability, tactility and understated elegance.

Dolomite Plaster is a ready-mixed interior plaster crafted from premium, sustainable materials for rich colour profiles and a variety of elegant textures. Alongside the core collection of 16 standard colours, St. Leo collaborates with clients and creatives to develop customized products. The ready to roll plaster is applied to the wall with a roll and afterwards given texture to by brushing or throweling the surface.

Original Pigments is a collection of premium paints. Besides the 16 Dolomite colours, there are 84 extra paint colours. This range of 100 shades is presented in a collection devided in inspiring cities from all over the world. Every colour has 2 gloss-levels for walls and ceilings, and 2 gloss levels for wood and metal.

Marble Paint is mixed product: 50% Dolomite Plaster with 50% Original Pigments, resulting in a paint quality with grains, that as a consequence offers more texture that Original Pigment and is faster and easier to apply than Dolomite Plaster. Best of both worlds!



    The Audo by St. Leo


    Exhibition at The Audo by St. Leo


    The Real and Concrete by St. Leo